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SALES TAX EXEMPTIONS (Commercial Customers only)

Your organization may be eligible for any of the following exemptions to the state sales tax.  Please consult an accounting professional to determine whether your organization qualifies. Exemptions are not limited to this list below.  More information about Massachusetts sales and use tax can be found on the Department of Revenue site found here.

Tax Exemption Collection Policy:

In accordance with Massachusetts laws, Belmont Light will update any commercial customer’s account to sales tax exempted, provided they submit a completed and valid Massachusetts sale tax exemption certificate.  The Customer Service team will review the certificate to ensure it is valid and complete based on state requirements. Exemption status will be provided to all accounts listed by the customer when providing the certificate as long as the name on the certificate matches the name on the customer’s accounts.

This exemption will be applied beginning the date an approved certificate is received. Belmont Light will not retroactively apply the tax exemption to any charges that have already been billed. It is the customer’s responsibility to provide their tax exemption certificate to Belmont Light.  It is not the responsibility of Belmont Light to request a new certificate once the copy on file expires.

Once a tax exemption certificate has expired, Belmont Light will automatically set the customer’s account back to taxable.  Belmont Light will NOT contact customers to notify them of this change in status. It is the customer’s responsibility to determine when a new certificate is required to maintain exemption status.

If a customer receives sales tax on a bill that was generated after the exempt certificate on file expired and before a new exempt certificate has been received, the customer will be responsible for paying the taxed amount. Belmont Light will not remove these taxes.

Refusal to pay taxes applied to a bill may result in the account being subject to our collections process. Any customer claiming to have submitted a tax form to Belmont Light that was not applied to their account will have to show proof that form was submitted. Appropriate adjustments will be made for cases where application issues were caused by Belmont Light.

ST-5 (Sales Tax Exempt Purchaser)

This tax exemption certificate is typically utilized by 501(c)(3) or government organizations.  Please note, some organization types are required to submit a copy of their ST-2 exemption form along with a copy of the ST-5 form.  ST-2 forms are provided by Commissioner of Revenue. In these cases, a copy of the ST-5 form will need to be filled out completely as well as the ST-2.

ST-5 Form

ST-12 (Exempt Use Certificate)

A manufacturer may be eligible for an exemption from the state sales tax if the electricity purchased from Belmont Light will be consumed and used directly and exclusively in the actual manufacturing of tangible personal property to be sold or in the heating of the industrial plant provided at least 75% of the metered electricity is used for the combination of such manufacturing or heating of the manufacturing area.

ST-12 Form

Small Business Energy Exemption (Formerly St-13)

A qualifying small business must have had gross income of less than $1,000,000 in the prior year and anticipate less than $1,000,000 in the current year. The business must also have 5 or fewer full-time employees and the energy product must be used only by the qualifying business.

As of January 1, 2019, the process for claiming a small business energy exemption has changed. Small businesses will now apply online for an exemption certificate rather than submitting Form ST-13 to their energy provider. See the Small Business Energy Exemption Webpage for additional information.

Please note: The exemption process is now automated and effective for 2 years. Instead of filling out Form ST-13 for each utility company, the business will complete the information for the exemption online through the Department of Revenue’s MassTaxConnect application to receive the Small Business Energy Exemption Certificate. The Certificate will be effective for two years, rather than one year as it had been.