Changes Coming to Online Payments September 9th
Category: Uncategorized | Posted On: August 8, 2019
What is happening: Belmont Light is switching our online payment vendor in an effort to combine our customer portals and make managing your account easier. Customers will now be able to pay and access account information through SmartHub. We are also discontinuing Invoice Cloud as a means for Electric and Water bill payments.
When: September 9th is the launch date for Payment Gateway.
Why: We heard you! While the original intent for InvoiceCloud was to serve as a “one-stop shopping” for all Town of Belmont payments, having two customer portals has proven confusing and difficult to use. Customers feedback led us to the decision to streamline our online account management and payment system.
What do you need to do: If you wish to make online payments after September 9th, you will have to sign up for Payment Gateway through SmartHub. Due to PCI compliance laws, Belmont Light is not able to convert customer payment information automatically. If you are not already registered for SmartHub, you can do so today but you will not be able to add payment information until after September 9. SmartHub allows customers to sign up for auto-pay, store payment information, and allow one-time payments. If you are signed up for our Direct Debit Billing Program (sign up required a voided check), you are not required to take any action to continue in that program.
Benefits & Additional Features
Customer will be able to see and control all their account information in one area.
o Customer Information
o Payment information
o Notification preference
o Paperless Billing (E-Bill)
o Real time payment updating with our Billing software
o Online Banking Interface – allows participating banks to send ACH payments vs. send checks.
o IVR (Interactive Voice Reponses) to accept phone payments
o Additional enhancement and feature to come
For customer not planning to make online payments, no action is required.